Mel Beach wrote an article about IFAQH quilted hearts in the Fall 2022 Issue 115 Quilting Arts Magazine, pages 42 – 46. Her article has directions and illustrations for the hearts she made. For more information, visit the I Found A Quilted Heart site at

Two of Linda’s Hearts
Three sisters were vacationing with their husbands in Nevada in 2014. Stopping at Rainbow Vista, the ladies searched for cell service while the husbands explored a nearby trail. One of the men found a little quilted heart, with a tag saying “I need a home”. Finding a heart created and hung by a stranger transformed their lives, creating a brand-new purpose for the sisters.
The sisters started the I Found A Quilted Heart project that year. The project’s purpose is to brighten someone’s day. To date, hearts have been hung and found worldwide. The project asks that the maker not sell or profit from the hearts; the focus is on the finders of the hearts, not the makers. The sisters want the making and hanging of the hearts to be an act of kindness between two strangers.
The IFAQH website encourages heart makers to be creative. So for the maker, there is almost complete freedom to experiment with all the facets of quilt making, such as color, embellishment, balance, texture and edge finishing techniques.
Participating in this project brings me great joy and a sense of completeness. I am very happy I started making hearts.